Pony Rides | Horse Shows | IEA | Therapeutic Horsemanship | Saddle Club | Parties | Vacation Programming

Pony Rides
Open on Weekends from April through November
10 am to 2 pm
No Appointment Necessary
First Come – First Served
Ages 2 to 10 years old
Take a Stroll through the Woods on our Cool-out Loop
Horse Shows
We are so excited to offer a schooling show series at the farm this season! Series awards offered for participants of 3 or more shows!
We offer competitive opportunities at every level, from beginners to national level competition
We attend a variety of local and away shows including:
- Old field
- Old Salem
- Hidden pond
- Princeton
- Winding hill
- Hits

Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA)
This is a competition team open to children from 4th through 12th grade at every level, from walk/trot through open jumping.
The season runs during the fall and winter, with a regional competition in February, Zones in March, and Nationals in April.
- Riders compete in a total of 5 shows durning the regular season in order to accumulate points to qualify to move on.
- Riders can qualify individually and as part of a team.
Teams will visit a hosting barn and compete on the horses provided by that barn. It is a fun way to gain experience at horse shows, and be part of a team without owning your own horse.
- Team members are required to take one private lesson and one group practice per week during the season.
- Traditional show attire is required.
- Team jackets are also required.
- DDR Farm will host practice scrimmages throughout the year to allow riders to practice competing on different horses.

Therapeutic Horsemanship
Our PATH-Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors will help students:
- Nurture communication and social skills
- Increase fine and gross motor skills
- Improve balance and core strength
The energy, movement, and warmth of the horse create a therapeutic experience that allows the learning of skills that can transfer to everyday life.
Private Sessions are $110 for 60 minutes and $80 for 30 minutes.
Saddle Club
This program is very exciting to us!
Our goal at DDR is to create a sense of community around horsemanship. Caring for horses is such a special activity because people of all ages and abilities can participate, and because we are there for our horses we also end up being there for our humans as well!
We will hold weekly meetings where we teach horsemanship and horse care.
Participants will be assigned a school horse, or they can use their own horses. During the week they will be responsible for grooming and maintaining their assigned horses. At the meetings members will update the club on any physical changes or behavioral issues they observe when caring for their horses during the week.
Beyond that we will attend various events as a group, such as:
- Longines Masters Show Jumping
- The Horse Expo
- Clinics/Competitions on and off of Long Island
Members will also attend events on-site, such as presentations by various experts in the horse community:
- Farriers
- Veterinarians
- Trainers
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Therapeutic Programs
- Trail Clean-Up

For our young people Saddle Club can serve as preparation for a career in the horse industry. Top show grooms travel the world with their horses, and experienced and capable horse people are always in high demand. DDR Farm has access to top professionals in the industry, and we are very excited to develop our talented and driven youth.
$30 Per Session
Some special events may require additional fees.
Let us host your next event! We have a number of options to help make your party a one-of-a-kind celebration.
- Pony Rides
- Trail Rides
- Hay Rides
- Games
- Indoor and Outdoor Facilities
Vacation Programming
Pony Camp
Participants will enjoy:
- Daily riding lessons
- Ground work training
- Horsemanship education
- Mounted and unmounted games
- Arts and Crafts
Programming is focused on making learning about horses fun and immersive. It is a total hands-on experience: grooming, tacking, bathing, trail rides, horse shows, and mounted games.
Open to all levels, ages 6-15
Weekly: 9am-3pm – $850 per week
Daily: 9am-3pm – $200 per day
Half-Day: 9am-12pm – $650 per week
Daily Half-Day: 9am-12pm – $150 per day
A $100 deposit per week will be due by June 1
Limited availability!
Spring Break Programming offered the week of April 10th
Summer Program will run all summer beginning the week of June 25 and ending the week of August 14. Sign up for as many weeks as you wish!
**There will be NO program offered on July 4, if you choose to sign up for that week, there will be a discounted rate.
Please provide lunch and transportation.
Please contact us for an application and a list of required equipment.
Show Camp
An intensive experience for our more serious riders.
Students are required to own or lease a horse for this program.
$700 per week
$900 per week if you need to lease a horse
Sample Schedule: This is a full-day, weekly program, there are no daily or half-day options for Show Camp
8am- Grooming/Tacking
8:30am- Inspection
Once riders pass inspection they will have their riding lessons
9am-10:30 – Riding Lesson
10:30-11:30 – Bath/Grooming
11:30- 12:30 – Lunch (Horses and Humans)
12:30-3pm – Stable Management/Horse Training – in the afternoons we will go over such topics as:
- Equine First Aid
- Longing
- Bandaging
- Setting Courses and Gymnastic Grids
- Stable Chores
- Equine Nutrition
- Teaching Basic Horsemanship to Beginner Riders
This is a progressive program, and we strongly recommend committing to the entire season.
April 10 (Spring Break)
June 26
July 3
July 10
Break for Away Shows
August 14
August 21